Monday, October 6, 2008

Bush's final Iran blunder?

By Kaveh L Afrasiabi
Asia Times

"The George W Bush administration's decision to turn down the opportunity of a diplomatic presence in Iran - despite Tehran's strong signals welcoming the idea - can be seen as a move to avoid undermining Republican Senator John McCain's presidential chances. More ominously, it could be tied to the drumbeats of war sounded by Israel....

In that case, Bush's latest blunder may may yet rival his other greatest blunders, including attacking Iran's neighbor Iraq under the false pretext it had weapons of mass destruction. In Iran's case, even US intelligence's own estimate is that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program. This has been scoffed at in the Israeli media and by the government from the moment the estimate was leaked - for one good reason: any good news that Iran is not a threat is bad news for Israel."

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