Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Coming to You Soon: Peace on Earth, Courtesy of the Syrian Regime!

Syria envoy: Future generations will pay if Israel scuttles peace talks

"Syria's ambassador to the United States on Tuesday warned that should Israel scuttle peace negotiations with Syria, the citizens of each country will pay the price. "If the Israelis are merely interested in the 'process' and not the 'peace', they will ultimately be held accountable... Future Israeli and Arab generations will pay a dear price for this shortsightedness and obstinacy," Ambassador Imad Moustapha said in an interview with the Syria Comment Web site. .....

On the issue of Syria's relations with Iran, Moustapha asserted that the United States shouldn't seek to distance his country from the Islamic Republic. He said that the U.S. should instead use Syria to defuse tensions. "We can help bridge the stark differences between Iran and the U.S.; we can help find a regional settlement to the many contentious issues of the region. We can help avoid the perils of yet another major conflict in our region," said the envoy. "

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