Sunday, October 5, 2008

Kouchner: Israel Will ‘Eat’ Iran Before it Gets Bomb


"05/10/2008 French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner dismisses the idea that even one nuclear bomb makes the Iranians immune to attack, he told Haaretz in an interview Friday.

"I honestly don't believe that it will give any immunity to Iran. First, because you will eat them before. And this is the danger. Because Israel has always said that it will not wait for the bomb to be ready. I think that they [the Iranians] know. Everybody knows," he said.

Kouchner says he is pleased with developments over the past few months in the Middle East. He is happy with what he has heard about the work of the Palestinian Authority in Jenin, where he visited Saturday, and with the indirect talks between Israel and Syria, the political arrangement in Lebanon and the cease-fire in Gaza.

Only two issues worry him, he told Haaretz during his sixth visit to Israel - Iran and the future of the Annapolis process. Kouchner says he knows Israel is preparing a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities, and wants more time for diplomacy.......

"I know that some people in Israel and in the army are preparing a military solution or not a solution but a military attack. I don't know. This is not the solution in my opinion."......

Kouchner was asked if Israel were to attack Iran, would it not improve the basis for dialogue, considering that Syria started negotiating with Israel after Israel attacked it........

According to Haaretz, the top French diplomat has two main goals for his visit to the region. To assess the political situation in Israel and try to save the Annapolis process, he is to meet with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, ministers Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak, and opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu. Kouchner is worried that the diplomatic process with the Palestinians "will be lost" during the transition period between the present and future U.S. administrations......

...... If there is a perception coming out of the Palestinian people that things are getting better and moving a bit - this is an additional asset to calm down this main danger which is Iran. To cut the reason and the roots of the Middle East angriness - and the biggest asset is Mr. Abu Mazen," he said, referring to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.......

"It has been a big hope - yes - and they were talking in a good way to each other - the main argument for hope in the peace process - but unfortunately he left - and the victim was Abu Mazen - because without Olmert he must restart the process. Fortunately, Tzipi Livni was talking to Abu Ala," Kouchner said, referring to the Palestinians' negotiating chief, Ahmed Qureia....... "

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