Saturday, October 11, 2008

Licence to kill

Jewish settler fanatics continue to kill and steal from Palestinians without censure from Israel

By Khaled Amayreh in the West Bank
Al-Ahram Weekly

".....In one incident, the head of a settlement council took part in an arson attack that Palestinians contend happened in full view of Israeli army troops.

"I think there is a sort of collusion between the army and the settlers. Do you believe that the mighty Israeli army can't control a few thugs who are terrorising Palestinian communities here?" asked Ibrahim Ahmed of Salem near Nablus.

"The world is often under the false impression that the settlers are a few unruly fanatics in an otherwise civilised society," Ahmed continued. "The truth of the matter, however, is that the settlers are a key tool of the Israeli state and army to terrorise and torment the Palestinians. It is the state and the army that give them money, housing, weapons and protection. So it is naïve to buy the claim that the settlers are acting against the will of the Israeli state and army."

Last week, a young Palestinian shepherd was found murdered next to a Jewish colony, also in the Nablus region. Eyewitnesses reported that they saw a white van chasing the 19-year-old man. The Israeli army denied that the boy was murdered by settlers, saying it was more likely that he was killed by unexploded ordnance left by the Israeli army......."

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