Friday, October 24, 2008

Morgantini to visit Gaza along with the European parliamentarian delegates

"Vice-president of the European Parliament, Luisa Morgantini, phoned Palestinian Legislator, head of the Popular Committee Against the Siege, Jamal Al Khodary, and informed him that she will be among the European delegates who will be visiting Gaza soon.

She stressed on the importance of lifting the Israeli siege which is devastating the lives 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, and added that this siege violates the international law.

Al Khodary told Morgantini that 255 Palestinian patients died due to the siege and that hundreds of patients are facing death if this siege continues as Gaza hospitals ran out of basic medical supplies and medications.

He added that 3900 factories had to shut down, 140.000 more Palestinian workers are now jobless and that more than 80% of the Palestinians in Gaza are below poverty line.

Al Khodary added that the siege caused 640 Million US dollars in losses and that the occupation did not implement its commitments to the truce which is entering its fifth month.

On October 28, 2008, the Free Gaza Movement will set sail again for Gaza. On board will be a Nobel Peace Prize winner, five physicians, a member of the Israeli Knesset, and a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council. The boat will again carry 26 passengers and crew to the port of Gaza”, the Free Gaza movement reported. "

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