Thursday, October 9, 2008

Muqawama, Hezbollah’s Winning Strategy during Leb. War


"09/10/2008 Two Years and few months have passed on the Second Lebanon War and the Israeli army, officials, military analysts and media are still trying to figure out what really happened during that war and still trying to find out the gaps that led to the defeat of the most powerful army in the Middle East, which was used to be called “the undefeatable army”.

In his latest analysis, and not the last, Israeli journalist Ron Ben-Yishai wrote an interesting analysis in the Israeli electronic site “Ynet” on Thursday under the title “In Search of a Winning Strategy”, in which he started with the Israeli defeat in Yom Kippur in 1973 and ended with the Second Lebanon War in 2006.......

Ben- Yishai concludes his report saying, “What’s amazing is that after so many years of contending with the Muqawama, the IDF, other security branches, and Israel’s political leadership have been unable to formulate a strategy and an arsenal of means that would enable us to win.” "

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