Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Other Election

A Good Piece

by William S. Lind

"While the world's eyes are fixed on the American election coming up soon, another election with equal importance for America's future crawled onto the calendar over the past weekend.....

At present some, polls suggest the Likud Party will win. If that happens, it will mean as much for America as for Israel. Why? Because America's Middle Eastern policy is effectively the tail on Likud's dog. Many American neocons, those great guys who gave us the war in Iraq, are de facto members of Likud. Several leading American neocons wrote Likud's strategy for Israel, which calls for someone – guess who? – to destroy every Middle Eastern country that could be a threat to Israel. The American invasion of Iraq represented in part that strategy being put into effect.

Those who imagine an Obama victory will see the neocons shown the door are in for an unpleasant surprise......

A Likud government in Israel come next spring would make two wars virtually certain: a war between Israel and Hezbollah and another between Israel and Iran. The Israeli military leadership recently announced that in the event of another war with Hezbollah, Israel would destroy Lebanon's civilian infrastructure throughout the country......

An Israeli attack on Iran, in turn, could bring about the loss of the army America has in Iraq. If I sound like Cato in repeating this warning endlessly, I do so with reason......

To this happy picture a Likud government in Israel might add a war with Syria and an open U.S. break with Pakistan......"

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