Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ousting the quislings is sine qua non for national unity

A Good Comment

By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

".....Fatah’s behavior in the West Bank indicates that the mainstream PLO faction is not really serious about national reconciliation.

In recent days and weeks, Palestinian Authority (PA) security officials made a plethora of serious statements suggesting that they value their inherently subservient relationship with Israel much more dearly than they do the cause of Palestinian national unity.

This week, the Chief of the “National Security Forces” in the West Bank, Diab al Ali, also known as Abu al Fath, reportedly described resistance to the Israeli occupation army as “a criminal act that produces criminals and murderers.”

The tone of Abu al Fath’s remarks caricatured a man who has put all his trust in the PA-Israeli “partnership” and who has turned his back to decades of bitter but heroic struggle by the Palestinian masses for freedom from the Nazi-like Israeli occupation.

Earlier, the main Palestinian security chiefs in the West Bank held a truly shameful meeting with their Israeli “counterparts” at the settlement of Beit El near Ramallah.

During that ignominious meeting, which took place in September, the PA chiefs, who are supposed to serve the national interests of their people, assured their Israeli “colleagues” that “we have one common enemy, that is Hamas,” and that “there is no conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.”

According to the Israeli journalist Nahom Barnea, who attended the infamous meeting as an observer, the Palestinian officers went as far as asking the commanders of the Israeli army, the very army that occupies their country and savages their people, to supply them with weapons and training so that the PA could re-conquer Gaza by force.

Unfortunately, the PA leadership completely ignored these brazenly treacherous behaviors, which in itself underscores the extent to which the PA leadership has drifted away from the Palestinian national discourse.

The perfidious collusion between the PA security apparatus and the Israeli occupation army against Palestinian national interests is only one aspect of an overall trend on the part of the Fatah-dominated Palestinian regime to eradicate Abu Ammar’s heritage.......

Hence, the current PA behavior vis-à-vis Israel is nothing short of an a national apostasy of unprecedented proportions.

This is why, it is really difficult to be optimistic about the ongoing Egyptian efforts to end the split between Fatah and Hamas unless Fatah and the PA are willing to reverse their misdeeds......"

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