Monday, October 27, 2008

Real News Video: Suheir Hammad on "Salt of This Sea"

Star of the first film ever to be written and directed by a Palestinian woman speaks on Palestine

"Suheir Hammad, poet and star of "Salt of This Sea" Speaks on the movie, which premiers at the Toronto Palestine Film Festival. She talks on the various worlds within Israel/Palestine and on the experience of access, segregation, and privilege."


Suheir Hammad is a Palestinian-American poet, author and political activist. Born to refugee parents in Amman, Jordan, Hammad has spent the majority of her life in Brooklyn, New York City. World renowned for her spoken word and written poetry, Hammad has won multiple awards. Her works include Born Palestinian, Born Black, Drops of This Story, and Zaatar Diva. Hammad is also the star of Salt of This Sea, the first film ever to be written and directed by a Palestinian Woman (Annemarie Jacir).

'Salt of This Sea' Trailer

"Soraya, born in Brooklyn in a working class community of Palestinian refugees, discovers that her grandfather's savings were frozen in a bank account in Jaffa when he was exiled in 1948. Direct, stubborn, and determined to reclaim what is hers, she fulfills her life-long dream of "returning" to Palestine. Slowly she is taken apart by the reality around her and is forced to confront her own anger. She meets Emad, a young Palestinian whose ambition, contrary to hers, is to leave forever. Tired of the constraints that dictate their lives, they know in order to be free, they must take things into their own hands, even if it's illegal."

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