Sunday, October 26, 2008

Real News Video: US Iraq troop deal "crushing defeat" for Bush

Gareth Porter: Bush admin is desperate for troop agreement as end date of UN authorization nears

"In an article on, journalist and investigative historian Gareth Porter analyzed the final draft of the US Iraq Status of forces agreement on the US military presence in Iraq. He states that the agreement “represents an even more crushing defeat for the policy of the George W. Bush administration than previously thought.” The deal not only calls for a clear deadline for a withdrawal of combat troops by 2011, it will also be unlikely the a residual non-combat force of US Troops would be allowed to remain in Iraq for training and support purposes. Porter also states: “The clearest sign of the dramatically reduced U.S. negotiating power is the willingness of the United States to give up extraterritorial jurisdiction over U.S. contractors and their employees and over U.S. troops in the case of major and intentional crimes that occur outside bases and while off duty.” The Real News Network spoke to Gareth Porter."

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