Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Saniora Insists: Lebanon, Resistance Didn't Triumph!


"21/10/2008 Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Saniora, believed to head a so-called national unity government, is still insisting on his "precious" views even if they contradict with his cabinet's policy statement as well as the so-called ministerial solidarity principle…

More than two years on Lebanon's victory against the Zionist entity in the Israeli vehement war against the country in July 2006, Saniora is still unable of admitting it.

Israel itself admitted its defeat and is still paying the price but Lebanon's Prime Minister believes the opposite. The enemy acknowledges Lebanon's resistance has changed the history by causing the most terrible defeat to the Zionist entity since its "creation," but "perseverant" Saniora denies. "No, Lebanon didn't achieve victory in July 2006," he says......"

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