Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So Easy for Israelis to Shoot to Kill

By Cherrie Heywood

"RAMALLAH, West Bank, Oct 28 (IPS) - Israeli soldiers shot and killed three young Palestinians in the Ramallah district of the central West Bank last week. The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) claimed the Palestinians were about to throw Molotov cocktails at soldiers and settlers in the Bet El settlement.

But the circumstances in which the young men were shot, whether they actually did throw or attempt to throw firebombs, and if they actually threatened the lives of any soldiers or settlers, has been questioned.

IPS visited the area where two of the killings took place in the Palestinian refugee camp Jelazon, north of Ramallah. The families of the deceased gave a completely different version of events to that of the IDF, and accused the Israelis of premeditated murder......."

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