Monday, October 13, 2008

Watching Ukraine

Just like John McCain told me to…

By Justin Raimondo

".....Most Americans have no idea where Ukraine is, much less any interest in watching it, but just on the premise that McCain's connections with the War Party give him the inside scoop on where the next phony foreign policy "crisis" is going to erupt, let's take his advice and start watching Ukraine with the help of our microscope…...

With socialism defeated in the lands of the former Soviet Union but now triumphant on Wall Street and Washington, a new cold war is just what the doctor ordered to get the war economy moving, as everything else comes to a grinding halt, and to divert peoples' attention away from their own increasing misery. From the perspective of our rulers, it's far better to direct all that anger at a foreign enemy – when, of course, the real enemy is right here at home…"

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