Sunday, October 5, 2008

We Will Keep On Going Offshore Fishing

Vittorio Arrigoni. Date : 10-05-2008
The Free Gaza Movement

"......If the Israeli army, or the puppeteer who is moving its barbed wire in Israel, believes they put me out of order wounding me I just want to make a statement for them: poor deluded.

Me, Vittorio Arrigoni, with Darlene, Donna, and others fellow travellers committed in this mission for the protection of human rights, will never retreat facing the insult of justice, the abuse of legality and every raped freedom. You will have to kill all of us and accept this responsability in front of the world and of God who both in the Torah and in the Koran doesn't justify in any way the cool-headed murder of innocent people. Kill all of us.

I would like to talk with the Israeli soldiers who attack us every day and that the day I was wounded I could see so closely I could focus the white in their cold eyes; I would like to ask them if they really believe that they are defending Israel (IDF) when they shoot at unarmed civilians, internationals or Palestinians, while they are simply fishing on Palestinian vessels.

As a pacifist I don't wish it in any way, but I would really not be surprised if one day one of these young Palestinian fishermen, of whom Israel steals the hope for a worthy life, having collected mourning over mourning for fathers, friends, brothers, killed or wounded or buried for years in an inhuman Israeli prison, I was saying I would not be surprised if one of them would choose to leave the fishing nets and shoulder a Kalashnikov.

Because this is what Israel is teaching the young Palestinians, with its warships, raids, the military occupation of borders, imposing the siege as a collective punishment and denying all human rights; in this way, teaching hate to its innocent victims and providing them with daily lessons of pure gangrenous hate, Israel becomes responsible for the risk all Israeli are submitted to, from Ashkelon to Tel Aviv.

We will keep on going offshore fishing, not scared at all by all terror threats shot on us by the Israeli navy, until politics, high-class activism and the politically committed civil society will stop to turn their back on the "moral issue of our times" as Nelson Mandela defines the Palestinian issue.

We want to show to the Palestinians, who adopted us, that in this world a minority group of men and women is still alive, ready to redeem on their skin, now healed, the conspiracy of silence and the indifference of a majority group of people totally apathetic facing this huge tragedy.

I believe that, everywhere on the planet, there are still many human beings immune to the indifference and selfishness virus, and this is the reason why I'm making a plea, don't leave us alone, don't turn your back on your brother dominated by a horrible injustice.

Come here to help us or support us in other ways.

Try to be close to us from far away.

Stay human.

Vittorio Arrigoni"

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