Sunday, October 12, 2008

What is the Traitor Doing in Syria? Asking for Pressure on Hamas? And What is the Rabbit Up to? Why is he Receiving the Traitor?

Hamas-Fatah Talks Tops Agenda in Abbas-Assad Meeting


Two Capitulating "Leaders" Coordinating Capitulating Some More. Remember Annapolis? Syria Was There Too.

".....Abbas told reporters upon his arrival on Saturday that his visit was aimed at coordinating with Syria on the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians and to brief President Assad on recent meetings between Fatah and Hamas in Egypt.

"The Syrian track is important for us, and the Palestinian track is important for the Syrians," said Abbas. "There must be coordination and consultation," he added.

Syria has recently held four rounds of indirect peace talks with Israel through Turkish mediation. Both sides have said they were satisfied with the talks......."

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