Friday, November 14, 2008

Al-Jazeera Video: Inside Story - Gaza humanitarian crisis - Nov 14

Part 1:

Part 2:

"Inside Story questions the 'blame game' being played by the parties while the people of Gaza continue to suffer.

Israel has refused permission for a convoy of trucks containing basic humanitarian supplies to deliver their loads to the Gaza Strip. Initially, the authorities had said they would allow passage for the 30 truckloads of drugs and food.

As the United Nations warns that it is going to run out of food for its aid programmes, all the parties, Hamas, Fatah, Israel and Egypt are blaming one another for the mounting humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

Israel has said that as long as rocket fire continues from Gaza into Israel, the border crossings will stay closed. The UN insists that this amounts to collective punishment, which is illegal under international law.

Christopher Gunness, the spokesman for the UN refugee agency UNRWA, said: "This has become a blockade against the UN itself." "

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