Saturday, November 1, 2008

Besides Serving Tea to the IOF and Destroying Palestinian Refugee Camps, the Lebanese "Army" Supposedly Has the Ability to Discover Spy Rings....

Lebanese Army Arrests Grave Mossad-Linked Cell


"01/11/2008 The Lebanese army has discovered a Lebanese cell suspected of working for Israel's spy agency, the Mossad, since the 1980s, the leading Lebanese daily As-Safir reported Saturday.

The report quoted judicial and security sources as saying that the network's leader and his relative, both of whom have been arrested by the Lebanese authorities, have confessed that they were collaborating with the Mossad.

The Lebanese army arrested the cell's leader in western Bekaa Valley after having monitored his moves inside Lebanon and his trips to Syria, the report said.

While the sources refused to elaborate, citizens of the western Bekaa Valley town where the arrest took place told As-Safir that security forces raided the suspect's home and confiscated his vehicle, which was fitted with a camera capable of taking clear pictures of license plates and faces........"

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