Monday, November 17, 2008

Dual Loyalties Will Doom Obama

The Blue and White Elephant in the Oval Office


"History will record the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign to have been one in which American Arabs and Muslims were politically marginalized, ostracized and disparaged like no time before. Contrary to initial expectations, those bruised sensibilities are unlikely to find in President-elect Barack Obama the salve so desperately needed...

As the punching bag throughout the campaign season, American Arabs and Muslims relegated to pre-election “necessity” all that had occurred. It was said that the vice presidential selection of Sen. Joseph Biden, who once famously proclaimed “I am a Zionist,” was made only to placate the Israeli lobby when Hillary Clinton failed to garner the nomination. Once he finally became president though, Obama would remember his roots, his friends, and take a principled stand on civil liberties while ushering in a new era of American foreign policy.

After Nov. 4, they were still found scratching their heads.

Rahm Emanuel.....

Dennis Ross......

Eric Holder......

Hillary Clinton? Joe Lieberman?......

Alas, Arabs and Muslims under Obama’s spell have finally come to their senses. After excusing his behavior for far too long, bringing Biden, “Rhambo” and Hillary on board has confirmed their worst fears about the president-elect: ‘change’ will not be coming their way and Middle East policy will remain decidedly unbalanced.

The audacity of hope, indeed."

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