Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Crossing the Line looks at Obama's "change" for Palestine

Podcast, Crossing the Line, 19 November 2008

"This week on Crossing The Line: With a resounding victory, United States President-elect Barrack Hussein Obama made history on the evening of 4 November 2008. Running on the slogan "Change You Can Believe In," many are hoping that after eight years of the Bush administration, change has finally arrived. But what about change for the Palestinians and their untenable situation? What change can Obama bring to the world's longest-standing refugee population? We'll speak to Kathleen and Bill Christison both formerly with the US Central Intelligence Agency about this issue.

Also this week, almost immediately after securing the presidency, Barack Obama picked Rahm Emanuel, a staunch supporter of Israel, as his White House Chief of Staff. How will this appointment affect the promise of "change" that Obama campaigned on, and in particular, how will it affect the Palestinians? The Electronic Intifada co-founder and author Ali Abunimah will join us to talk about the president-elect's first appointment to his staff.

And as always, Crossing the Line begins with "This week in Palestine," a service provided by The International Middle East Media Center.

Listen Now [MP3 - 24 MB, 1:00:00 min]

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