Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is Spain inside or outside the Nablus checkpoint?

Eddie Vassallo writing from Balata refugee camp, occupied West Bank, Live from Palestine, 31 October 2008

"The group of internationals I had traveled with to the northern West Bank city of Nablus had decided to park our car just behind the Huwwara checkpoint, where Israeli soldiers control Palestinian movement to and from the city. From the outset, I began taking pictures of an Israeli military outpost littered with heavy tanks and armored vehicles -- all pointing in the direction of the beleaguered city -- as I had documented the Israeli occupation throughout my travels through the West Bank. However, as I slung my camera over my shoulder and proceeded with my fellow travelers to the checkpoint, an Israeli army jeep suddenly appeared beside me. Through the plastic zipper window of the military transport I saw two fingers aggressively pointing in my direction. Struggling to explain myself, my camera was quickly confiscated and I was pulled inside the vehicle where I was subjected to a barrage of threats.

It was harassment for the sake of harassment. And this would be the first time I was to experience -- to a very small degree -- what Palestinians endure as a matter of course......"

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