Monday, November 3, 2008

The Limits of Change

What to expect from the Obama administration on the foreign policy front

Dennis Ross photo

By Justin Raimondo

".....The president's national security adviser, the one with direct access to the king, became the key player. Condi Rice, with her personal friendship with Bush II, was perfect for this role, and the next national security adviser is liable to play a similarly important part in shaping Obama's decisions.

The most troubling possibility here is Dennis Ross, a career foreign policy bureaucrat who was instrumental in shaping America's Israel-centric policy in the Middle East under George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. He is a longtime associate of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), the scholarly adjunct of AIPAC, Israel's powerful lobbying organization in the U.S., which he co-founded........

Ross recently signed on to a plan, being pushed by something called the Bipartisan Policy Center, that is nothing but a roadmap to war with Tehran. The report, written in the form of recommendations to an incoming president, says he must begin a military buildup directed at Iran from "the first day [he] enters office."......

.... If that's the amount of change you want in American foreign policy, then you'll be happy with the Obama administration – even as they escalate the conflict in Afghanistan, spread it to Pakistan, and prepare for war with Iran."

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