Saturday, November 1, 2008

The lying woman of Washington

By Khalid Amayreh in Occupied Jerusalem

(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

"It is true that Condoleezza Rice is smarter than her conspicuously ignorant boss, President George Bush. However, in terms of moral character, it is amply clear that Rice is at least as dishonest and mendacious as her boss is. After all, we are talking about a woman who knows little or no moral distinction between truth and falsehood and between right and wrong.

This the very woman who two years ago had the guts to congratulate her Israeli counterpart, Tzipi Livni, on the "success" of the Nazi-like blockade Israel had been imposing on the Gaza Strip, which destroyed the Gaza economy and pushed 1.5 million innocent human beings to the brink of Auschwitz. A silent genocide, after all, is still genocide, and it makes no difference if the victims die in gas chambers or die a slow, agonizing death as a result of starvation.

This is the woman who reacted to the widespread destruction by Israel of Lebanese population centers and the dropping by the Israeli air force of 2-3 million cluster bomblets, enough to kill or maim 2-3 million children, by saying, "Israel has the right to defend itself."

In 2006, Rice described the annihilation of hundreds of innocent civilians in Lebanon, including entire families that were asleep in the privacy of their homes, as representing "the pangs for the birth of a new Middle East."

And now, with the looming end of the nefarious Bush administration, Rice is concluding her term as Secretary of State with another concentrated dose of pornographic lies about Bush’s and her legacy........."

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