Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama: A Euphoric Feeling that Change will Occur

by Dr. Elias Akleh
Global Research, November 10, 2008

"..... Obama is no different. He will soon be exposed the person he really is; just another wolf in sheep clothing. Obama’s promises to protect the middle class are just empty promises. This was obvious after he approved the $700 billion (plus interest) bailout to give more tax money to corrupt bankers, who will use that money to buy weaker banks. The money should have been used to pay portions of the mortgages the middle class owe to the banks, so they could keep their homes. His acclaimed tax cut promise to the middle class means nothing to its unemployed members. The official unemployment rate is 6.5% not counting those, who are not receiving unemployment benefits and are thus not counted. In 2008 alone Americans have lost 1.2 million jobs to outsourcing. Obama’s solution to outsourcing is offering corporations tax cuts as incentives to keep the jobs in the US. Such incentive is nothing compared to the huge savings, in the forms of benefits and retirement funds the corporations are saving by employing very cheap labor force unprotected by any labor laws in third world countries lacking any environmental laws. Obama never talked about the poor Americans. For him they don’t exist.....

Obama’s first appointment (pushed onto him by AIPAC) as his chief of staff is an Israeli citizen and Israeli army veteran Rahm Emanuel, whose father was a member of the Irgun; a Zionist terrorist group who perpetrated terror attacks in British mandated Palestine. This appointment comes to guarantee and to foster Obama’s promised support to Israel. Obama promised $30 billions of American tax money in military aid to Israel. Ignoring the fact that Israel has violated many international laws, and is an occupying power, Obama declared his support to Israel as a "theocratic" Jewish state with undivided Jerusalem as its capitol. He also vowed to "isolate Hamas" the Palestinian representatives elected in the most free and democratic election as observed and certified by international observers. He also threatened to do everything in his power to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons to threaten Israel.

Hypnotized by "change" and "race" people could not see the similarities Obama has with McCain/Bush/Republicans. They are all for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although initially Obama opposed the Iraqi invasion, he always voted for the surge and more war funding in Iraq. He wants to leave a residual force in military bases in Iraq, and wants to ship another military surge to Afghanistan to keep bombing Pakistani border....."

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