Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Of Arrogance, Bailouts and the Big Three

Give Them Money...Only After They Fire the Top Executives


"Just as I was about to give up on Congress, BAM, POW, a California Congressman decked the auto executives with a one-two punch. As these august gentlemen were sitting before a House Committee telling the Congressmen how bad it was, and that they needed money badly, Brad Sherman asked the group of beggars to raise their hand if any of them flew by commercial airline to the hearings in Washington.

“Let the record show,” the Congressman said, “that no one raised their hand,” the Congressman said.

Then came the right hook. “Raise your hand if any of you plan to sell your private jet.”

No response. They looked at each other, then at the Committee members, most likely sensing they had lost that round by points.

Let the record show,” Congressman Sherman said, “that no one raised their hand.”

The lack of response was hardly surprising, but what was surprising is that a member of Congress finally earned his paycheck for that day......"

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