Friday, November 28, 2008

Real News Video: The media and the Venezuelan elections

US media covers Chavez victory and calls it a defeat

"Allies of President Hugo Chavez's won a strong majority in Venezuela's local elections on Sunday, winning 17 of 22 state governorships and 265 of 327 mayoral races. The opposition made important gains, capturing the Caracas mayor's office and two of the most populous states.
Meanwhile Russian President Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Caracas on Monday to meet with Hugo Chavez, just one day after a Russian fleet docked in the Venezulan port of La Guaira. The Russian navy will be conducting joint naval manouveres with Venezuela in the Carribean. The manouveres are scheduled to begin on December first. In Caracas, Russian and Venezuelan officials signed a series of accords, including one pledging co-operation in nuclear energy for peaceful uses.

The Real News Network spoke to Latin American Studies Professor Miguel Tinker Salas who says, the fact that the opposition was able to make modest gains means it's a victory for Venezuelan democracy, and the Venezuelan political process, and the maturity of the Venezuelan population who participated—over 65 percent in this regional election process. "

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