Thursday, November 20, 2008

This War Crime Will Not Be Televised

Essential health facilities at the Al Shifa medical center stopped functioning

"Thursday November 20, 2008 02:13 by Saed Bannoura - IMEMC & Agencies

Dr. Hussein Ashour, head of the Al Shifa medical center in Gaza, one of the biggest medical centers in the Gaza Strip, stated that main facilities at the center stopped functioning due to the lack of fundamental equipment and tools.

Ashour added that the Oxygen Department, the Heart Unit, Physical Therapy Unit and the main laboratory completely stopped functioning as they lack fundamental equipment and tools.

He also said that the main power generator also stopped functioning due to the ongoing siege and Israeli blockade as the generator needs fuel to run.

The closure of border crossings barred the entry of fuels to the Gaza Strip forcing the main power plant to stop functioning. Gaza residents spend 12-18 hours a day without power. "

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