Sunday, December 28, 2008

Abul Gheit Justifies Israel’s Attack, Criticises Hamas


"28/12/2008 Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit Justified Israel’s bloody offensive against Gaza that has killed more than 270 Palestinians in less than two days saying “there are reasons that must be taken off so that Israel stops its attack”, signaling the resistance group Hamas. Abul Gheit was speaking in a joint press conference with PA president Mahmoud Abbas. He said that Egypt had informed the Palestinians in Gaza that Israel will launch the offensive.

A Hamas official told The Jerusalem Post that the reason why security installations in the Gaza Strip had not been evacuated before the attack was because the Egyptians had assured his movement that there would be no Israeli attack in the coming days. "Only hours before the attack, the Egyptians told our representatives that they were under the impression that Israel would not launch an operation," the Hamas official said. "We believe the Egyptians deliberately deceived us because they had given Israel a green light to attack."

Abul Gheit accused Hamas without naming it, of preventing hundreds of Palestinians wounded in Israeli air strikes from leaving Gaza for treatment in Egypt [COMMENT: What a lying criminal! At least he has learned something from his Zionist masters: lying!]. Asked why the wounded were not being let through, Abul Gheit said: "Ask those who control Gaza. We are waiting for the wounded to cross -- they're not allowed to cross."

Hamas denied Abul Gheit's allegations of preventing Gazans from leaving Gaza for treatment and stressed that crossing should be opened for all Palestinians, not only the wounded ones. Egypt opened the Rafah crossing Saturday to receive wounded Palestinians after a months-long closure in the framework of the Israeli imposed blockade on Gaza."

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