Friday, December 12, 2008


The Free Gaza Movement

"FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date : 12-11-2008

For More Information, please contact:
(Gaza) Ewa Jasiewicz, +972 598 700 497 /
(Cyprus) Osama Qashoo, +357 97 793 595 /
(Cyprus) Ramzi Kysia, +357 99 081 767 /
(GAZA PORT, GAZA - 11 December 2008) - The Free Gaza Ship “Dignity,” departed from Gaza International Port at 22:10 hours, Thursday 11 December. Aboard the ship were eleven Palestinian students who had been denied exit by Israel to attend their universities abroad. Over 700 students are currently trapped in Gaza, unable to obtain permission from Israel to continue their education.

Accompanying the students are two British academics, Jonathan Rosenhead and Mike Cushman, of the London School of Economics and the British Committee for Universities for Palestine (BRICUP), an organization of UK-based academics responding to Palestine's Call for an Academic Boycott of Israel.

According to Rosenhead and Cushman, “As academics we are particularly pleased to be traveling on the Dignity on this mission to enable at least some of the hundreds of students trapped in Gaza by the Israeli siege to get out and take up their places at universities round the world. This siege is an affront to any idea of academic freedom or human rights. How can anyone justify preventing young people from fulfilling their potential and learning how to serve their community more fully?”

In an act of nonviolent defiance to the ongoing Israeli Occupation of Palestine, the Free Gaza Movement has been running civil resistance ships to Gaza for several months. This voyage is the fourth such trip, helping to reunite families, and delivering medical supplies, mail, and international humanitarian and human rights workers to besieged Gaza......"

COMMENT: The stooge Abbas derided such missions and called them, "silly and ridiculous games!" What a moron, traitor and USraeli puppet! What do you expect from someone who takes his orders from the US Consul in Jerusalem and from the American General Dayton who trains Abbas' "forces?"

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