Friday, December 5, 2008

Every Night is Now a Kristal Nacht: Israeli settlers “at war” with the Palestinians in Hebron

"On Thursday, Palestinian sources in the city of Hebron, located in the southern part of the West Bank, reported that extremist Israeli settlers carried out a series of violent attacks against Arab residents and set a number of homes, cars and olive trees on fire.

The attacks were escalated after the army evacuated the settlers from the home of Al Rajabi, a Palestinian family, after the settlers illegally occupied the property since last year.

The sources stated that settlers, stationed in five illegal outposts in the Old City of Hebron, set ablaze two Palestinian homes and one shop in Wad Al Hasseen area, close to Al Rajabi home. The settlers also violently attacked a number of residents.

In Tal Romedia area, the settlers chased dozens of Palestinian children and hurled stones and empty bottles at a number of homes.

The settlers also attacked and attempted to break into another Palestinian home in an area adjacent to Al Rajabi home while Israeli soldiers fired gas bombs and rubber-coated bullets; several injuries were reported among the residents.

In Al Sahla area, close to the Ibrahimi Mosque, a Palestinian child and her father were wounded after extremist settlers attacked and punched them.

The settlers also set a Palestinian firefighter vehicle on fire as the firefighters were attempting to extinguish several fires the settlers caused to Palestinian homes.

Hebron governor, Dr. Hussein Al A’raj, held the Israeli occupation responsible for the violence in Hebron and demanded the army to put an end to the attacks carried out by the settlers and their supporters. Al A’raj added that the areas in question are under Israeli security control; therefore it is the duty of the Israeli Defense Forces to protect the unarmed Palestinian residents and their property.

He also said that the Fourth Geneva Conventions clearly state that civilians and their property living under occupation should be protected at all times."

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