Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Five (Update: Make That Six) Qassam Fighters Killed as Dozens of Homemade Shells are Fired

"The armed wing of the ruling Hamas party in Gaza announced the death of five of its fighters during separate incidents in the northern Gaza Strip early Wednesday.

A statement by the al-Qassam brigades, Hamas's armed wing, read that three of those killed were members of it's elite force, and that they were killed during an armed clash with Israeli troops near the Netev Hatsara settlement, along the northern Israel-Gaza border.

Israeli sources claimed that the Israeli army killed late on Tuesday night three armed Palestinians near the Netev Hatsara settlement after they were spotted by the army planting explosive devices near the security fence that separates Gaza and Israel.

Meanwhie, the al-Qassam brigades confirmed that two other fighters were killed in southern Gaza. The statement read that the two fighters were killed during a 'resistance mission' along the border in the southern Gaza town of al-Qarrara...."

COMMENT: As I repeat saying, it does not appear that Hamas has learned much in improving its tactics to avoid unnecessary killing of its fighters; not very inspiring performance so far. It seems that the IOF has as much difficulty shooting Hamas fighters as shooting fish in a barrel!

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