Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hamas Undermines Israel's Gaza Operation Threats


"23/12/2008 An operation will be launched against Hamas in the Gaza Strip even if the Islamic resistance group heeds an Egyptian request and reduces its rocket attacks against the Zionist entity, Israeli senior defence officials said Monday.

On Monday, Hamas officials said the group had agreed to a 24-hour cease-fire. A senior Hamas official in the Gaza Strip told The Jerusalem Post that Egypt had relayed the message Sunday night. He said that Egyptian intelligence Chief Gen. Omar Suleiman had contacted Hamas leaders there and in Damascus and urged a halt to the attacks so as not to give Israel an excuse to launch a massive military operation.

The 24-hour cease-fire was to begin Sunday night. The initial cease-fire was allowed to lapse on Friday morning.

Hamas also announced it was willing to discuss the possibility of an extension in case Israel adhered to the terms......"

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