Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Israeli shelling badly damages human rights offices

Press release, Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, 30 December 2008

"At about 1:50am Tuesday, 30 December 2008, Israeli F-16 fighter jets shelled a Palestinian police site in Gaza, which is 70 meters (200 feet) away from the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme's (GCMHP) main building in Sheikh Ejleen on Gaza Beach. The shelling was part of the vicious military attacks that the Israeli army launched on Gaza starting 27 December 2008.

This harsh shelling caused massive destruction in the GCMHP's main building, where walls and four ceilings cracked completely and partially. Extreme damage done to the furniture, equipment, electrical and electronic devices as well as the files and documents that were in the four-floor building, which contains offices, training halls, the main library and financial and administrative departments......"

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