Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Jewish Third Reich


By Khalid Amayreh
27 December, 2008

"The pornographic mass slaughter perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, 27 December, once again reveals the Nazi nature of the Zionist state.

It also underscore the genocidal nature and brutal ugliness of the Zionist mentality, a mentality based on and shaped by murder, bullying, coercion, aggression, brutality and criminality.

Furthermore, it shows that Israel is capable, both mentally and physically, of carrying out a real holocaust against the Palestinian people and other peoples of the Middle East.

In fact, it is quite safe to say that there are no moral restrictions that would prevent Israel from committing the unthinkable, namely a campaign of extermination against the Palestinian people.

Zionism is simply Jewish Nazism, pure and simple, and the Israeli army is in fact “the” Jewish Wehrmacht. Jews may not like the comparisons, but the Nazi reality of Israel is as conspicuous as the sun in a bright day.

Undoubtedly, this is the message that governments and leaders all over the Arab-Muslim Middle East ought to understand and internalize. It is brief and simple: If you are not powerful enough to deter the Nazis of our time, you will be attacked, enslaved and even annihilated.......

To be sure, the Palestinians have long given up on Arab regimes and don’t expect these regimes to protect them or fight on their behalf. For in the final analysis, a regime that has no good for its own people, can’t be expected to defend the Palestinians or fight for their just cause. In fact, all that the Palestinians want from these regimes is to stop colluding and conspiring with Israel against them. Is that asking for too much?

But the real message ought to be conveyed to the Arab masses, not the regimes that are conspicuously morally, politically and even humanly bankrupt. The Arab masses have a religious and moral duty to depose these hateful despots whose main job has been to torment and savage their peoples on behalf of the United States and Israel. Otherwise, the Arabs will continue to move from bad to worse as they have been ever since the downfall of the Ottoman state following the First World War.

God simply doesn’t change the condition of a people unless they are willing to change it themselves."

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