Monday, December 29, 2008

My brief Response to Zionist disinformation

By Khalid Amayreh

"Zionist Hasbara operatives have been claiming that the current Israeli genocidal onslaught in Gaza is a “war against Hamas” and that it was only necessitated by the firing of Palestinian rockets on Israel.

This is a big lie. Read the following:

“Hamas had repeatedly said it was willing and ready to stop "all" firing of projectiles from Gaza if only Israel would lift the deadly blockade. And Israel repeatedly said "No."

Israel has been saying ad nauseam that it ended its occupation of Gaza. Well, why does Israel then retain its control of Gaza skies, Gaza shores, Gaza sea, Gaza border crossings (even with Egypt). Why does Israel retain its control of Gaza life? Why?.....

If the war were against Hamas, as the war criminals of Tel Aviv keep claiming, Israel wouldn't have targeted market places, drug stores, college buildings, private homes, mosques, cultural institutions, roads, businesses, etc. Only a state with a Hitlerian mindset would target an entire society and then claim that it is fighting Hamas! It is simply a big lie.

So, Israel is simply carrying out a real genocide...and an indiscriminate one for that matter.

Today, even a Jewish rabbi of imminence used the term "genocide" to describe what Israel is doing in Gaza.”

• See also Amira Hass’s article in the Ha’aretz newspaper “Israel’s war is not against Hamas, it’s against all the Palestinians.” [COMMENT: posted below]"

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