Thursday, December 18, 2008

This Genocide Will Not Be Televised: UNRWA suspends food aid to Gaza refugees due to the siege

"The United Nations Works and Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), suspended on Thursday food aid to more than 750,000 registered Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.

In a press statement, emailed to press, the UNRWA stated that the food aid delivery will be suspended due to the fact that its warehouses have been run out of basic items such as wheat amidst current siege crisis.

The statement explained that all crossings, leading to the Gaza Strip, have been closed by Israel for the last six weeks, in a time more than half of Gaza's 1.5 million residents are dependent on its food aid.

Last month, the UNRWA ran out of such essential food assistance to Gaza's population as Israel imposed a restrictive closure on the coastal region. UN officials have warned of a looming humanitarian crisis unless crossings are reopened.

During a special interview with IMEMC's correspondent in Gaza last month, UNRWA's operations director, Jhon Ging, described the situation in Gaza as miserable, calling for an end to violence and counter violence in the territory........ "

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