Friday, January 2, 2009

Break-Their-Legs-Abul Gheit:Arabs Shouldn't Blame Only Israel for Gaza


"02/01/2009 Egypt's foreign minister Ahmad Abul Gheit said on Thursday that Hamas must ensure rocket fire stops in any truce deal to halt Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip, criticizing the Palestinian resistance movement for “giving Israel an excuse to launch the offensive.” .......

"Arabs should avoid unbalanced language that just blames Israel for the attacks on Gaza if they want the U.N. Security Council to act to end the violence," he said. [COMMENT: Livni could not have said it better; way to go you cheap puppet!]

Abul Gheit, in an interview with the Dubai-based Al Arabiya television [COMMENT: Should be called Al-'Ibriya, as Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah recently said!] , did not forget to attack Iran and accuse it of “seeking to control vital Arab interests and use this influence as leverage in any talks with the new U.S. administration.”

Abul Gheit said any eventual truce agreement should include a mechanism to oversee "that everything proceeds without one side causing problems with the other." He told journalists that the mechanism could involve "international forces or Arab forces or just observers."

The top diplomat insisted Hamas must commit to enforcing a halt to rockets. "We expect the Palestinian side to say that if a cease-fire is announced, we'll stop firing rockets," he said, warning that "some loose groups can decide to continue firing rockets and make it difficult to have a cease-fire."

Abul Gheit continued to blame Hamas for the Gaza offensive saying Egypt had seen "the signals that Israel was determined to strike Hamas in Gaza for the past three months. They practically wrote it in the sky." "Unfortunately, they (Hamas) served Israel the opportunity on a golden platter to hit Gaza," he said. However, Hamas lashed out at Egypt last Saturday, when the Israeli attack started, stressing Cairo told the Palestinians that Israel will not attack Gaza.

Abul Gheit renewed Egypt’s refusal to fully open the Rafah crossing unless Abbas' Palestinian Authority - which runs the West Bank - controls the crossing and international monitors are present.
He said Hamas wants Rafah opened because it would represent implicit Egyptian recognition of the resistance movement's control of Gaza. "Of course this is something we cannot do," Abul Gheit said, because it would undermine the legitimacy of the Palestinian Authority and consecrate the split between Gaza and the West Bank. "