Monday, January 12, 2009

From Guernica to Gaza: The History of Terror Bombing Victims

by Stephen Lendman
Global Research, January 12, 2009

"History's terror bombings. This article reviews some of the most infamous:

-- Guernica - 1937;

-- the London Blitz - 1940 - 41;

-- Dresden - 1945;

-- Tokyo - 1945;

-- Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 1945;

-- North Korea - 1950 - 53;

-- Southeast Asia - 1964 - 73;

-- Iraq - 1991 to the present;

-- Serbia/Kosovo - 1999;

-- Afghanistan - 2001 to the present;

-- Lebanon - 1982 and 2006; and

-- Gaza - 2008 - 09.

Strategic bombing involves destroying an adversary's economic and military ability to wage war. It targets its war making capacity and related infrastructure. Terror bombing is another matter. It's against civilians to break their morale, cause panic, weaken an enemy's will to fight, and inflict mass casualties and punishment.

Geneva and other international laws forbid the targeting of civilians. The Laws of War: Laws and Customs of War on Land (1907 Hague IV Convention) states.....

Remember Gaza - immortalized as one of history's terror-bombing victims. World outrage demands an end to this and the prosecution of its perpetrators. We stand together in solidarity. Today we're all Gazans. We're all Palestinians."

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