Monday, January 5, 2009

Israel collaborator recruiter punked

Transcript, The Electronic Intifada, 4 January 2009

"In addition to bombs and missiles that have killed an ever increasing number of Palestinian civilians, Israel has dropped millions of flyers on the occupied, besieged Gaza Strip.

One such flyer, an image of which was sent to The Electronic Intifada, seeks to recruit Palestinian collaborators. Signed by the "Israel Defense Forces command," and addressed to the "the residents of the Gaza Strip," the flyer states: "You hold the responsibility for your own fate!" It invites Palestinians to call or email the Israeli army "to inform us about the location of rocket launching sites and the terrorist gangs that made you hostages of their actions." Because collaboration with an occupier is universally viewed as one of the worst forms of betrayal, the flyer warns "For your own safety, please maintain secrecy when you call us."

EI decided to call the number provided. What follows is a translation of the Arabic conversation between an EI editor and an Israeli officer who identifed himself using the Arabic name "Abu Ibrahim."......

EI: You don't know what the terrorists are doing here in Gaza and we want to be saved from them ...

Israeli officer: Yes, I think everyone should do exactly what you're doing because we're all fed up with them. All they do to us is bad things.

EI: Exactly, the people in Gaza feels the same but the world can't hear our voice.

Israeli officer: Oh they will hear sir. You know they've [people of Gaza] started to phone us and ask for help, and ask us what they should do, and we've helped a lot of them. They thanked us for that and we want to help more people.

EI: But you know the terrorist groups are all over the Strip. I mean there's no place in the Strip where there aren't terrorists. They're all over the place.....

EI I want to give you names of the biggest terrorist organizations, not just in Gaza, but in all Palestine.

Israeli officer: Ok, let's see

EI: Ok, the first one ...

Israeli officer: You mean to tell me they're all from Hamas?

EI: All of them are people ... you'll see. The first one, his name is Ehud Barak [Israeli minister of defense].

Israeli officer: Ehud Barak? By God there's no one like you ...

EI: Second, Gabi Ashkenazi [Israeli army chief of staff]

Israeli officer: Do you know him?

EI: Of course. The third one is...

Israeli officer: Wait a minute, one at a time ...

EI: No write it down, I don't have time. The third one is called Ehud Olmert [Israeli prime minister].

Israeli officer: Look, just a minute ...

EI: You think that terrorists are only men? There are also women. Terrorist organizations have women too. The fourth is Tzipi Livni [Israeli foreign minister].

Israeli officer: First, I see that you're very clever and very experienced and you should ...

EI: And then the fifth's name is Yuval Diskin [head of Israel's "Shin Bet" death squads]. Write it down and record it my beloved. These are the names of the biggest terrorist leaders in the whole of Palestine and in the whole of the Middle East......

EI: Didn't I just tell you that there were a number of terrorists in the strip? Record it. There's a group of terrorists. They're the biggest terrorists in the world. They call themselves the "Israeli Defense Force" but they're not defending anyone. They're a terrorist gang.

Israeli officer: You know ...

EI: A terrorist, sectarian, racist gang.

Israeli officer: I just want to say a few words to you ...

EI: OK, talk, but I can't hear you very clearly because of the noise of the terrorists bombs and rockets ...
Israeli officer: By God you're a person I enjoy talking to.

EI: OK, your army that was defeated in Lebanon is also going to lose in Gaza.

Israeli officer: That's possible. If that's what you know, maybe you know what you're talking about.

EI: OK, farewell my beloved Abu Ibrahim.

Israeli officer: Maybe we'll see each other under better circumstances.

EI: Yes, I hope it will be at the International Court in The Hague......"

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