Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sayyed Nasrallah: Around 350 Martyrs' Remains Still with Israel


When Sayyed Nasrallah Speaks I Listen Carefully -- Palestinian Pundit.

"29/01/2009 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah held on Thursday a press conference to commemorate the "Freedom Day" (the commemoration of freeing Lebanese and Arab detainees out of the Israeli jails on 29/1/2004). The main part of the conference was devoted to details of the Operation Al-Redwan accomplished last May and in which all detainees in Israeli prisons, including chief of detainees Samir Qintar, were freed......

The Hezbollah Secretary General then tackled the 22-day Israeli deadliest offensive against Gaza that has claimed the lives of more than 1,400 Palestinians, including 420 children and injured thousands others. "The actual goal of the Gaza war was to subjugate and wipe out the Resistance and topple the Hamas government," Sayyed Nasrallah declared, noting that the Zionists did not have any declared goals of their war on Gaza.

Indeed, and according to Sayyed Nasrallah, the Zionist entity was incapable of achieving any of its goals in Gaza. "There was an international and Arab US decision to exploit what is left of the Bush period to change the facts. However, Israel has politically and militarily failed and some voices in Israel are saying that the failure of Gaza war is the same as the July War in Lebanon," his eminence pointed out.

Sayyed Nasrallah praised the Palestinian Resistance for its steadfastness, heroism and firmness. His eminence recalled that the Resistance's strength has pushed the Israelis to declare a unilateral ceasefire, although it hasn't achieved any of its goals. "Those who did not recognize the Resistance's victory in Lebanon won't recognize the victory in Palestine for the same political reasons," Sayyed Nasrallah noted.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah Secretary General noted that the Israeli war against the Palestinians, which has started even before the latest aggression, was still ongoing. "Gaza blockade continues amid dire humanitarian and economic conditions," his eminence noted, stressing that the war and aggression against Gaza is still going on, but in different forms.

"Linking the reconstruction of Gaza to political terms represents an unacceptable and humiliating form of political blackmail," Sayyed Nasrallah stressed. His eminence called on everyone to provide the Gazans with help without asking for return or setting conditions.

Hezbollah leader also condemned all “impudent” statements made by some European officials against the Palestinian Resistance. "One of the European officials condemned Hamas and called it a terrorist organization that launches missiles because it kills what he called "Israeli civilians." However, he didn't dare to accuse Israel of committing crimes," Sayyed Nasrallah noted. "This proves to us that the American-European do not even admit that Israel has committed the most barbaric crimes before the whole world."

Answering a question, his eminence reiterated Hezbollah firm position towards Egypt over the Gaza offensive. His eminence re-condemned the Egyptian regime "because it continues to close the Rafah crossing." His eminence accused the mentioned regime of "lying," stressing that the Rafah crossing was not open, “I doubt that this regime is an honest mediator because it works on imposing the conditions of others on the Palestinians.”

"My stance against the Egyptians was correct, and I still denounce their ongoing closure of the Rafah border crossing with Gaza," Sayyed Nasrallah said. "The opening of the Rafah crossing is crucial to the Palestinian people, the Resistance and the living conditions there… its closure is one of the biggest crimes in history," his eminence added.

More to follow.... "

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