Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Tale of Two Summits

Analysis by Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani

"CAIRO, Jan 27 (IPS) - Despite declarations of Arab unity at a recent economic summit, Egyptian commentators say that fundamental differences between rival Arab camps - especially over the issue of Palestine - are far from over.....

According to Abdelhalim Kandil, editor-in-chief of independent weekly Sout Al-Umma, the issue of Arab division is largely illusory, "since both camps appear to be on the U.S.-Israeli doorstep, albeit to differing degrees."

"All these regimes are fully aware that there is no difference between Israel and the U.S.," Kandil wrote Jan. 19. "Yet despite the massacres taking place in Gaza, none of them ever considered cutting relations with Washington or expelling the U.S. military presence from their respective countries."

He added: "This, of course, is because the U.S. is in the region expressly to protect these regimes." "

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