Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assad responds

The Guardian, Wednesday 18 February 2009

"......But what Syria calls the "steadfast" position, combining alliance with Iran, support for Hezbollah and Hamas, hostility to Israel and opposition to the policies of the United States, has for some time been less monolithic than it once appeared.

With Turkey acting as the go-between, Syria has been tentatively exploring the possibility of peace with Israel.....

President Bashar al-Assad's readiness to respond to gestures from the new American administration, as expressed in the interview he gave yesterday to our Middle East editor, Ian Black, is to be welcomed.....

President al-Assad indicated yesterday that he might also have discussions with General David Petraeus, which would obviously concern Iraq. In theory a new Israeli government might find it easier to move on the Golan than on the West Bank and Gaza, so a scenario can be constructed in which Washington and Damascus move closer, and a Syrian-Israeli peace deal becomes a serious possibility....

The price for the Golan would be a high one for Syria, involving at least a reduction in its ties with Iran, as well as hard decisions about its support for Hezbollah....."

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