Monday, February 16, 2009

Barghouhti: Israel should pay compensations for the huge damage in Gaza

"RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- MP Mustafa Al-Barghouthi, the secretary general of the national initiative, said that Israel should not be allowed to escape responsibility for the vast destruction it inflicted on Gaza Strip during its three-week blitzkrieg.

Barghouthi in a statement on Sunday called on all concerned, official parties to immediately start filing lawsuits against the Israeli government to force to it pay compensation for the human casualties and material damage.

He said that the investigations, including those of the Israeli army, proved that the huge devastation was not "legally or ethically justified".

The MP expressed regret that the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon retreated over his previous stands on formation of a neutral international committee to probe Israel's war crimes including the shelling of UN agencies in Gaza.

"Without such procedures there is no guarantee that the Zionist entity would not repeat such crimes," he warned.

Barghouti said that he was participating in an international campaign to impose sanctions on Israel similar to those imposed previously on South Africa during the rule of the apartheid regime. "

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