Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dutch activists "donate" shoes to IDF

Israeli spokesperson "shoed" in Amsterdam

"Sunday evening the Women's International Zionist Organization and other pro-Zionist groups organized a meeting in Amsterdam with Ron Edelheit, an IDF spokesperson, as speaker. Edelheit was one of the people who rushed to Sderot during the Gaza massacre and contributed to the Israeli propaganda machine. According to international law and elementary moral values he should be considered a war criminal.

When activists received word of this war criminal coming to Amsterdam they organized, and succeeded in convincing the hotel where the meeting was planned originally to cancel his talk. A different "high society" hotel - the Apollo hotel - was more than willing to give this criminal room for his propaganda, though. Outside more than 50 protesters were shouting and handing out leaflets. Even the people inside the hotel had to acknowledge that there were more people outside protesting than inside attending the talk. This was not all though......"

For Freedom and Justice.For Palestina.Amsterdam 22.02.09

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