Monday, February 2, 2009

Free Gaza Boats and Nonkilling Transformation: A Perspective

Written by Anis Hamadeh
(Anis Hamadeh is a freelance artist and publicist in Germany, editor of Anis Online, and in the Web & Media Team.)
The Free Gaza Movement

"Is it possible to prevent a catastrophe like Gaza so that it cannot happen again, or is such brutal killing an inevitable part of our human heritage? In the age of the internet public this question bears a new quality. The public is the strongest weapon against violence, today more than ever. A recent example is the Free Gaza Movement who landed the first free boats in Gaza in forty-one years. It was the media attention and the mental accompaniment of thousands of supporters worldwide that led to the pioneering success of this determined group. Thus, the Free Gaza boats mark a precedent for similar liberating action. Only, is the world prepared for peace, at all?....."

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