Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hamas Offered a Bullet to Bite

Analysis by Jerrold Kessel and Pierre Klochendler

"JERUSALEM, Feb 19 (IPS) - Israel's outgoing prime minister Ehud Olmert is risking a crisis of confidence with Egypt by insisting that a prisoner exchange between Israel and Hamas precede any Egyptian-mediated ceasefire arrangement to end the Gaza war.....

Peace-making is distinctly not a top priority for the right-wing Netanyahu government now likely soon to assume power. So too, any deal with Hamas. It's clear though, that Netanyahu would be greatly relieved if this set-to with Hamas is resolved before he takes the helm, so he does not have to make difficult decisions and bite a bullet that could endanger his new coalition from the outset.

All of which leaves Hamas facing a tough dilemma of its own: whether, before Netanyahu takes over, to bite the bullet of the new ceasefire terms fired by Olmert?"

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