Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hamas Pushed to the Wall Over Ceasefire

By Mel Frykberg

"RAMALLAH, Feb 16 (IPS) - Israel is toughening its negotiating stance with Hamas as the two try to hammer out a permanent ceasefire agreement.....

According to Israeli sources, Olmert had been given the green light to talk tough with Hamas by the next expected Israeli prime minister, Likud hawk Binyamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu would like Shalit's release sorted prior to taking office. His release is expected to simultaneously involve the release of Hamas and other Palestinian prisoners, amongst whom are senior commanders and members involved in suicide bombings.

This is something many Israelis are opposed to, and Netanyahu doesn't want to be seen as somebody who caved into "negotiating with terrorists" whom Israel accuses of having "blood dripping from their hands."

Following the ceasefire setback, on Friday Hamas's Damascus-based politburo-chief Khaled Meshal eventually confirmed that several further complications had arisen which could possibly stall an agreement.

According to Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman, Shalit and the length of any ceasefire are not the only issues complicating an agreement......"

He said there are other obstacles which remain to be resolved. These include establishing a buffer zone between Gaza and Israel, a cessation of rocket-fire and Israeli military raids, both sides respecting the truce, and a halt to weapons smuggling......."

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