Monday, February 16, 2009

Israel: We Are Under Existential Threat


"16/02/2009 Israeli occupation Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi
presented defense minister Ehud Barak with a military's work plan for 2009, saying that ‘Tehran near-nuclear capabilities, existing ballistic aptitude and terror contacts pose 'existential threat' to Israel.’

The defense establishment has recently declared, for the first time in years, that the State of Israel is under an "existential threat."
The annual work plan for 2009 officially defines Iran as "a threat to Israel's existence," with all that implies from it - training, equipment and preparation-wise.
In the outline of the plan, Ashkenazi defines the Iranian peril as "the No.1 threat the IDF is now preparing for.".....


A Senior Israeli diplomat has warned that Israel is ready to launch a military offensive against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons.

In an interview with The Age, Dan Gillerman, who was Israel's permanent representative at the United Nations from 2003 until last September, said time for diplomatic efforts to stop Iran acquiring a nuclear capability might have already expired.
"Israel has made it very clear that it will not live with a nuclear Iran and I believe that Israel has the ability and the capacity to make sure it will not happen," Gillerman said.
Gillerman said two clocks were running with respect to Iran: "There is the technological clock of Iran and there is the diplomatic clock, and I think the Iranian clock is running much faster."......"

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