Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama: Imperialism with a Human Face

By Tariq Ali
and Derrick O'Keefe

"With President Obama set to visit Ottawa this Thursday, Feb. 19, renowned writer and anti-war campaigner Tariq Ali shares his thoughts on the new administration's foreign policy.....

In this interview with rabble.ca editor Derrick O'Keefe, Ali discusses the war, prospects for Palestine under Obama's watch, the rising left-wing tide in Uncle Sam's backyard and his thoughts on long-time UK resident Michael Ignatieff......

DO: Obama's 'diplomatic surge' will certainly feature a major effort to get NATO countries like Canada to boost their troop presence in Afghanistan. What are the prospects for this charm offensive? Will Afghanistan increasingly become even more of a strictly U.S. war?

TA: It will. Most European countries are extremely nervous. The British Ambassador to Kabul has stated that the war cannot be won. A German General who returned from Afghanistan repeated the same thing. The Spanish are reportedly on the verge of withdrawal....

DO: Despite his silence during the massacre of Gaza, and his appointment of Hilary Clinton, some see an opening for peace and justice in the Middle East with the Obama administration. Is there any reason for optimism?

TA: I don't see it myself. The victory of far right and fascist-type parties in Israel, alas, reflects the views of a majority of Israelis. It's no use pretending otherwise. It is clearly not in the U.S. interests to support such a regime, but they will. The campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) so eloquently argued by Naomi Klein is the only way forward and I'm glad it's becoming truly international.

Later this month I'm speaking at SOAS with Ronnie Kasrils, the former South African Minister for Intelligence and a Jew hostile to Zionism, to promote the BDS campaign in Britain......"

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