Saturday, February 14, 2009

Video + Press Release: Israeli Soldiers Shooting at Farmers in Abassan Jadida on Feb. 12

Saturday, 14 February 2009 10:45
Written by ISM Gaza Strip

"Nine International Human Rights Workers will be accompanying Palestinian farmers in Al Faraheen village, east of Khan Younis. Farmers and international accompaniers were fired upon by Israeli Forces in the same area on Thursday, February 12th......

"We are accompanying these farmers to harvest their crops because they have a right to their land. Palestinians who live or have land within 1 kilometre of the Green Line are being driven out by Israeli military violence. We consider this to be a form of ethnic cleansing. With international accompaniment, these farmers are able to harvest their crops with a much greater degree of safety than if they were to come to these areas alone" Andrew Muncie (Scotland) - International Human Rights Worker

This action comes after farm worker Anwan was shot and killed by Israeli forces as he worked his land close to the 'Green Line'.....

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