Tuesday, February 24, 2009


By Eric Margolis

(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

"As Santayana observed, those who forget history are doomed to relive it. However overused used, his maxim is as true today as when he made it.

On 15 February, 1989, the 40th Soviet Army pulled out of Afghanistan, marking the end of Moscow’s bloody and disastrous occupation. Its able commander, Gen. Boris Gromov, was the last Soviet solider to leave Afghanistan, leading his men over a bridge spanning the Amu Darya River (Oxus, in Greek) – which Alexander the Great had crossed on his ill-fated invasion of Afghanistan (327-325 BC)......

Talk about fiddling while Rome burns. It turns out the real national security threat to America was not Osama bin Laden or Mullah Omar, but the unsupervised, crooked financiers and reckless gamblers on Wall Street who wrecked America’s economy and endangered global financial stability.

They were not in Afghanistan, but downtown New York City."

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